Do you love learning more about people, especially about their passion? I do. Incase you do, too, I wanted to share my Shaklee story.
Ever since I had my two children (who are “my why”-my reason for everything), I have been trying to live a more healthy and green lifestyle. I want to be a good example for my children of healthy living. I also want to ensure my home is as safe as it can be for my little ones.
For years now, I have read and researched different ways to accomplish this. We have using green products for a while, but weren’t always happy with their results (or cost). After seeing a few of the blog’s I follow and trust mention how much they loved Shaklee’s products, I decided to give them a try. With Shaklee’s money-back guarantee, there was no reason not to try them! So, I started with the Get Clean kit, which includes most of their cleaning products and we loved it! These products were safe, effective and highly concentrated (which means they are better for your wallet and the environment)! Not only are there no harmful chemicals for my children or pets, there is less packaging and waste, which is better for the earth.
The more I learned about the company and its unsurpassed quality and ingredient testing, the more products I tried and loved! Then, I decided that it was probably a good idea to get paid for using the products I love. I can’t help but share the message and them with others! Which leads me to where I am today…sharing my passion with you! I hope you learn something helpful through my blog! If you do, it would really mean a lot to me if you shared it with others. Thank you for helping me make the world a better place!
For more information, please contact me at with the subject line SHAKLEE or click HERE to get started as a member.
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