World Environment Day is June 5th!

Every year on June 5th, the United Nation’s celebrates World Environment Day! It is a day to encourage action and awareness for the protection of our environment. The theme for 2018 is “Beat Plastic Pollution.”

Can you think of some ways you can reduce the plastic use in your household? Some of the ways we have reduced the use of plastic in our homes are:

  • by using shopping bags
  • by using metal straws
  • choosing metal or glass containers instead of plastic
  • using concentrated nontoxic cleaners, so less bottles are used

Here are some more tips to go green.

Hopefully, this inspired you to go green! Do you know of any local events that are helping with the environment or would you like to host one? Please share the wonderful events with us! Additional, if you would like to host your own, registration online platform allows anyone the opportunity to register their event for free to garner more community support if the organizer can’t reach out to people individually. It’s a great resource to help you make a larger impact.

One company I love helps make the earth a better place in many ways, here is one. They have an amazing environmental heritage, too! What companies do you love that are environmentally friendly? Please share below.


Let’s make the earth a better place,


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