
When someone says they are moving, it is normally followed by moans, groans and complaining of what a pain the process of moving can be. I know this because we are moving (again). However, this time, I am not allowing myself to get sucked in to the bad, but instead am focusing on the joy of moving.

We have lived in various parts of Florida for the last fourteen years. As a result of my husband’s promotion, the family will now be moving to Chicago! Yes, it is true that I can count the times on one hand that my children have worn pants. However, I am choosing to focus on the good. My children have never seen snow and I can’t wait to watch them enjoy it!

Another way I am finding the joy of moving is by looking at everything and I mean really looking at everything in my life. We have thirty days to enjoy palm trees, our wonderful friends and our pool, so you better believe I am going to appreciate every last minute.

Beaches and bonfires

Do you have any tips on how to enjoy moving? I would love to hear them below!

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