Are you considering joining a network marketing company? Recently, two of my friends contacted me because they were thinking about joining a network marketing company. They knew I had experience with several network marketing companies and wanted to know my advice. One of them specifically asked me because she is the “non-salesy” type like me. This made me think that others could benefit from some things I have learned along the way. It also made me stop and think about how many network marketing companies I have worked with (or at least learned about). That number is six. Six network marketing companies. I won’t bore you with my backstory (maybe I will in another post), but suffice it to say, I feel I am semi-well versed in this subject. So, here is my review and tips of network marketing.
First, most network marketing companies are wonderful opportunities to be in business for yourself. You can dictate when you work and how hard you work. You can also dictate (for the most part) who is on your team. They can provide this wonderful freedom that so many desire. However, there are some things to consider.
- How much do you know about the company you are joining? Have you tried the products? Do they work? Are you passionate about the products and company? If you answered no to any of these questions, please get to know the company you are considering. Learn about the quality of their products and how they test the quality of their products. Do they offer a money-back guarantee? If you don’t like their products, I strongly suggest finding another company (unless you are a wonderful sales person and they have an unsurpassed compensation plan).
- How well do you know and like the person you are joining under? You don’t necessarily have to work with the person you sign under, but it can really be good for you and for your business if you work as a team and use them as a resource. It is even better if they are local and you can attend meetings together; host joint events and gather to plan and discuss ideas.
- Do you have to make a specific purchase each month or in a rolling month period? In my experience with all of my prior companies, you need to have monthly (or bi-monthly) sales of a certain number to remain active. However, my current company does not do this. (If you are interested in learning more about my current company, you can read more about them here and here.)
- How well do you know and like the company? What do they stand for? What kind of testing do they use on their products? While these questions may not be a deciding factor, to me they are important. For example, one reason I decided to stop utilizing one company was because I was learning more about toxins and natural products. Their products didn’t align with those desires.
There you have it. Those are some things to think about before joining a network marketing company. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss further. I would love to help you make a more informed decision! Are you currently in network marketing? If so, do you have any tips to add?
Best of luck!
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